THURSDAY JULY 28, 2006 |
8:00am - 9:30am |
Competition Room
Entry Set-up |
8:00am - 10:30am |
Dealer Set-up in
Salesroom |
**9:00am -
10:00am |
Exhibit --
"Treasures from Mattel's Vault" -- Private tour for BFC members and VIP Pass
holders |
9:00am - 11:00am |
Raffle Room Open
Sponsored by
Dressmaker Details® Couture™
9:00am - 11:30am |
Souvenir Shop
Open |
10:00am -
11:00am |
Registration |
10:00am - 12
noon |
Exhibit --
"Treasures from Mattel's Vault" |
**10:00am -
11:00am |
Competition Judging |
It was an early morning for
me (at 10am) as my first duty was to go and Judge competition as an
Apprentice Judge. I slept in and missed the hour I could of visited
the Raffle Room and Souvenir Shop, and I had been pre-warned that the line
to the Exhibit --
"Treasures from Mattel's Vault" was huge! This is my second
time as an Apprentice, so I am looking forward to being a Judge next year.
I got some great pictures of the Competition entries, as I stayed later up
until the start of the Luncheon to get pictures. I got most
categories, so use the links below to see the entries in each category.
Mattel History and Rarities--Vintage and Mod Dolls, Outfits, &
1959-1966 MIB/NRFB (plus 1600's fashions from 1967)
1. Vintage
Barbie® doll MIB/NRFB
2. Pink Silhouette boxed Barbie® doll MIB/NRFB
and 3. Vintage Midge® doll MIB/NRFB
4. Vintage Ken® or Allan doll MIB/NRFB
5. Vintage Skipper® doll MIB/NRFB
6. Vintage Skooter or Ricky doll MIB/NRFB
7. Dressed Box Barbie®, Ken®, Midge® or Skipper® doll MIB/NRFB
8. Vintage Barbie® outfit NRFB
9. Vintage Ken® outfit NRFB
10. Vintage Skipper® outfit NRFB
11. Vintage Gift Set NRFB
1967-1972 MIB/NRFB (plus 1966 Francie®)
12. Mod
Barbie® doll NRFB
13. Mod Christie® or Julia doll NRFB
14. Mod Stacey®, PJ, Jamie, Steffie, Miss America, or Truly Scrumptious doll
15. Mod Ken® or Brad doll NRFB and 17.
Francie®, Casey or Twiggy doll NRFB
16. Mod Skipper®, Fluff or Tiff doll NRFB
18. Tutti, ToddTM or Chris doll NRFB
19. Mod Barbie® Outfit NRFB, 20. Mod
Julia outfit NRFB and 22. Mod Skipper® outfit NRFB
21. Mod Ken® outfit NRFB
23. Tutti or Todd® outfit NRFB
24. Francie® or Twiggy outfit NRFB
25. Mod Gift Set NRFB
Out of Box
26. Vintage
Barbie® doll in a vintage outfit appropriate to the doll
27. Vintage Friend/Family doll in a vintage
outfit appropriate to doll
28. Mod Barbie® doll in a Mod outfit appropriate
to doll (not gift set outfits)
29. Julia, Christie®, or Brad doll in a Mod
outfit appropriate to doll (not gift set outfits)
30. Mod Caucasian Friend/Family doll in a Mod
outfit appropriate to doll (not gift set outfits)
31. Vintage or Mod doll in a Vintage or Mod
outfit released outside of the U.S.
32. Mod Gift Set outfit on appropriate doll
Mix &
33. Vintage or Mod
Mattel female doll in a Contemporary (1976 to the present) Mattel outfit
34. Contemporary (1976 to the present) Mattel
female doll in Vintage or Mod Mattel outfit
35. Vintage or Mod Mattel male doll in a Contemporary (1976 to the present)
Mattel outfit
36. Contemporary (1976 to the present) Mattel male doll in Vintage or Mod
Mattel outfit
37. Bubblecut dressed in 1962-1966 Pak clothing
38. Vintage or Mod
Licensed Products
and Imagination-Makeovers, Dioramas, Photography, and Paperdolls
Mattel Doll (no backdrop permitted)
39. Movie or TV
Star - Barbie® or Barbie® Friend/Family
40. Movie or TV Star - Ken® or Ken® Friend/Family
41. Movie or TV Star - Kelly® or Kelly® Friend/Family
Mattel Doll - Backdrop permitted
(16" width x 16" height x 10" depth)
42. Memorable
Red Carpet Appearance - Fashion Statement
43. Movie, TV, or Celebrity Bride (Barbie® or Barbie® Friend/Family)
44. Movie or TV, Monster or Villain (Barbie®,
Ken® or friend/family)
Competition: Creative - Two Mattel Dolls - Backdrop permitted (16" width x
16" height x 10" depth)
45. Dynamic
Duos, On- or Off-Screen Page 1
45. Dynamic
Duos, On- or Off-Screen Page 2
(24" wide x 24" deep, no height restriction, no doll limit)
46. Your Favorite
Movie (examples: Classic, Western, Horror, Comedy, Drama, Animated,
Documentary, etc.) Page 1
46. Your
Favorite Movie (examples: Classic, Western, Horror, Comedy, Drama, Animated,
Documentary, etc.) Page 2
47. Your Favorite Television Show (examples:
Comedy, Drama, News, Sports, Children's, Animated, Game Show, etc.)
48. Awards Night Spectacular (examples: Red
Carpet Arrival, The Green Room, Backstage, Awards Presentation, Press Room,
Governor's Ball, Party, etc.) Page 1
48. Awards Night
Spectacular (examples: Red Carpet Arrival, The Green Room, Backstage, Awards
Presentation, Press Room, Governor's Ball, Party, etc.) Page 2
49. Movie Date - Barbie® and Ken® go to the movies
50. Los Angeles and Hollywood Landmarks
51. Kelly® and her friends "Go Hollywood"
Photography and Paper Dolls
52. Photographs -
"Ready For My Close-up" Barbie® and/or Friend/Family (8" x 10," framed or
matted on display stand)
53. Paper Dolls - Barbie® Doll's Million-Dollar
On-Screen Wardrobe (minimum 6 outfits)
Custom Car
54. Motorized or
Non-Motorized 1/6 Scale Car
11:00am - 12
noon |
Host Set-up |
11:30am - 12
noon |
Special Needs
Entrance |
12 noon - 2:15pm |
"On the Set" --
Luncheon and Mattel Presentation
(Sponsored by
Mattel, Inc.). |
"On the Set" --
Luncheon and Mattel Presentation
(Sponsored by
Mattel, Inc.)
After leaving the Competition Room, I was off immediately to the "On the Set" --
Luncheon and Mattel Presentation (Sponsored by
Mattel, Inc.). It was the first official function where our table
guests could all be together at once. The tables this year were named
with movie star names. Here was our table this year:
The Joan Crawford Table
HOST: Dwane Adle
Michigan |
Jason Pickering
Pennsylvania |
Colin Walton
California |
Jef Beck
Iowa |
Sandi Holder
California |
Patricia Cronin
South Carolina |
Norita Bergmann
Michigan |
Jim Taylor
California |
Jack Wootten
Delaware |
Bob Strack
Delaware |
It was great finally getting everyone
together! At this function we continued the tradition of showering each
other with gifts. Colin gave each of us a The
New Look Ken doll. I was ecstatic since I had missed out ordering
one when they were released. Sandi gave us a bunch of gifts which
included a Doll Attic mouse pad, Ken magnet and Hallmark ornament set.
She also gave us a unique mug decorated with the "Queen of the Prom" game
male dates on it. I gave the third edition Ken doll in my Keeping Ken
Tech line. This year I did a recreation of the Vintage fashion
"Touchdown". Our Host, Dwane, gave us an excellent SuperStar Barbie and Ken t-shirt
which also included a pair of wild sunglasses and Joan Crawford button.
He also gave us a framed picture of Joan Crawford.
BELOW: Jason is ecstatic
about his Queen of the Prom date mug,

After we ate, Mattel started their
presentation that included showing us their 2006 advertising campaign for
the play line. Then they treated conventioneers with a Hollywood
inspired musical, emceed by an actor portraying "Director" Ken doll.
Actresses portrayed dolls in the Mattel Barbie line as well as doing a
musical number that included dancing with an all male chorus. It was
really enjoyable!
After the musical program, Mattel gifted
each conventioneer with a Platinum Edition Nite Lightning Stacey
reproduction gift set with blonde hair! And if that wasn't enough to thrill
everyone, a number was drawn at each table to win the centerpiece and
another surprise gift. When the number was called, to my amazement, it
was my number! Not only did I win the table centerpiece, but I won a
Platinum Edition of All That Jazz Barbie doll reproduction with brunette
hair. The doll came with a post card and brochure of Barbie doll's
history. Plus, three silk scarves that matched the colors in the All
That Jazz fashion. Needless to say, I was thrilled!
Pictures National Barbie Convention 2006-"On the
Set" -- Luncheon and Mattel Presentation
2:30pm - 3:00pm |
Dealers Enter
Salesroom |
**2:30pm -
3:00pm |
Viewing - VIP Passes only
Sponsored by
Sandi Holder's Doll Attic
**3:00pm - 3:30pm |
Competition Viewing - Camera/Video only
Sponsored by
Sandi Holder's Doll Attic
**3:00pm -
6:00pm |
Salesroom open
Artist Signings in Salesroom |
We lugged all of our gifts to the room
from the Luncheon/Mattel Presentation and started thinking about pre-packing
some stuff early to send home. I already had a box full from Room
Shopping and the Luncheon/Mattel Presentation, but knew there was more to be
had in the Sales Room. I had already seen the Competition entries, so
it was time to hit the Sales Room, which opened up for the first time today
at 3pm. The Sales Room was just awesome at
25,000 square feet!
I REALLY wanted to find a couple of mint
Brad dolls either loose or NRFB. That's really
all I was looking for, but I knew I had better get to the two Matt's table
as I heard that Matt Trujillo had almost sold out of his OOAK male dolls.
So we went there first and I bought two of his cuties to add to my growing
collection of Matt Trujillo OOAK doll collection. I forgot which table
I found my loose mint Brad (Bendable Leg), but I
was glad to find him there waiting for me to take him home. I love
Brad almost as much as I love Ken (almost). I remember seeing a
flawless high color Bendable Leg Ken
(Brunette) doll wearing Hiking Holiday #1412.
He was awesome...I really wish now I would have bought if you are
the dealer that had him please email me :) I headed over to the Barbie
Collector table to see the fabulous MUST HAVE IT Zac Posen gift set and get
registered for the Barbie Fan Club Event the next afternoon. BFC
Frankie checked me in. I just love BFC Frankie. After that I
wandered around with Jason and he found some really neat Ken-sized kimonos,
and Carol Spencer showed us a prototype Malibu Ken dune buggy which was
really awesome. I was so disappointed to find out my camera batteries
were low, and most of the pictures I took in the Sales Room weren't there
when I downloaded them. But I did get a few that follow in the link.
Pictures National Barbie Convention 2006-Sales Room
3:30pm - 8:00pm |
Sponsored by
Sandi Holder's Doll Attic |
**5:00pm - 8:00pm |
Pink Lounge Open
Sponsored by
Barbara Peterson
6:00pm - 7:00pm |
Dinner (on your
own) |
**6:00pm -
10:00pm |
Exhibit --
"Treasures from Mattel's Vault" |
Exhibit --
"Treasures from Mattel's Vault"

ABOVE: From the Mattel
Vault exhibit, prototype blonde
Mod Hair Ken.
What more can I say about this fabulous
exhibit? It was too wonderful for words. This exhibit was literally
what it was named, as Mattel pulled items from their archives and put them
on display for viewing by conventioneers. There was so much to see,
from dressed Vintage and Mod dolls, NRFB fashions and gift sets! Plus
foreign edition dolls and accessories. The most amazing area for me
was the prototype section. The prototype section showcased fashions,
dolls, accessories that were designed, but never produced. From Little
Theatre costumes to Francie dolls, it was all here for the viewing. Of
course the best part for me was the two shelves of prototype Ken doll heads.
This exhibit was the best part of the entire convention for me! Follow the
link for pictures of this once-in-a-lifetime event.
Pictures National Barbie Convention 2006-Exhibit --
"Treasures from Mattel's Vault"
After the exhibit, a group of us went over
to the mall and ate. After that we went swimming in the fabulous pool,
and afterwards came back down on the pool patio and had some frighteningly
expensive cocktails till late in the evening. We heard later that the Pink Lounge Goes
Karaoke was awesome, but somehow we forgot about going to it. |
**6:45pm -
8:45pm |
Ken® Rally Day
Race--Sorry, event has been cancelled |
8:00pm - 9:00pm |
Competition Room
Pick-up/Breakdown |
**8:30pm -
10:00pm |
Hollywood Movie
Musical Sing-Along |
**10:00pm -
1:00am |
Pink Lounge Goes
Sponsored by
Barbara Peterson